I can't be the only one.
I can’t be the only one.
Mother. Partner. Business Owner. Friend. Daughter. Sister. Feminist. HUMAN.
Struggling sometimes, sailing through other times, and always craving connection and community. ...
I have been shaped and molded fiercely by the women in my life. As a child, as a young woman, and now as a business owner and mom, the relationships I have with women are my sanity, my light, my peace, and they bring me deep within myself in the best way possible. For a long time this "thing", this desire to connect and relate to women who are kicking ass on the daily, has been growing inside of me. And I finally decided to give it some real space.
So here we are, in this space. The Well. A space for us - for the doers, the believers, the women who are the village, who need a village. The women who are seeking space to refill the well, recharge, and connect. Because we can't nurture and care and create and support, unless we nurture and care and create and support OURSELVES first.